VISITA TÉCNICA: Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago

El lunes 13 de marzo recibimos la visita de un grupo de estudiantes del Illinois Institute of Technology de Chicago, USA

The Illinois School of Architecture: A History of Firsts

The Illinois School of Architecture is one of the oldest and largest schools of architecture in the country. Since the initiation of its architectural curriculum in 1867, the University of Illinois has consistently broken new ground in the education of architects in the United States.

"The interdiciplinary approach to architecture that we were taught at the Illinois School of Architecture allowed me to be productive on my first day of employment. We hire graduates from Illinois because they are well prepared to enter the professional world, because they are ready to be productive on the first day of employment, and because they have the ability to be extraordinary and to do their part to enhance our (WJE) reputation and contribute to our success."

Ian Chin, RA, SE, PE, FASTM
Vice President and Senior Principal
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.


HORARIO (Con cita previa)

  • Lunes de 9:00h a 15:00h
  • Martes de 9:00h a 18:00h
  • Miércoles de 9:00h a 18:00h
  • Jueves de 9:00h a 18:00h
  • Viernes de 9:00h a 15:00h